Zendesk for iPad - Built For Mountains

March 27, 2013 | Author: Sandeep Sharma

If you watch almost any promotional video about today's IT systems (for example the latest movie by Salesforce) - you'll see that people now work everywhere - on the street, in the subway, in the park, on the beach, in the woods, on the mountain, on a boat, on the snow - anywhere. Have you seen this in the real life? No? Me too. Zendesk (the SaaS service helping to support customers) makes fun on this trend. They released the new mobile app for the iPad together with the epic video (watch it). And the bonus (below): Harlem Shake (Zendesk Edition):

See also: How companies use Harlem Shake

See also: Top 10 Helpdesk software

Author: Sandeep Sharma
Sandeep is a marketing expert with a wealth of knowledge in various domains: customer relationship management, social media management, advertising, search engine optimization, website building, Sandeep has established himself as a multifaceted professional. He honed his skills while working at Salesforce and Hubspot, where he gained invaluable insights into the industry. Now, as the proud owner of a small advertising consulting agency, Sandeep continues to provide innovative and effective strategies to businesses, helping them thrive in the competitive landscape of digital marketing. You can contact Sandeep via email sandeep@liventerprise.com