Mind Vector is #22 in Top 10 Mind Mapping software

Mind Vector
Mind Vector, the free mind mapping software grants you the power to represent your ideas and concepts in a unique way. Utilize this potent tool to capture key information and unique ideas visually. Mind Vector is the most advanced tool for learning, planning, problem-solving and decision-making, trusted by 500,000+ users worldwide.

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#22 in Top 10 Mind Mapping software

Latest news about Mind Vector

2016. Mind Vector adds new visualizers

The latest release of the iOS mind mapping software, Mind Vector v 2.3, is now available on the App Store, featuring new visualizers. The Star Tree View is an exceptional visualizer that offers a comprehensive overview of the entire dataset on a single screen. It is particularly useful for visualizing large hierarchical structures and extensive datasets in the most efficient manner possible. With Star Tree, users can gain a detailed and contextual understanding of classification structures at a glance. For viewing specific sections of nodes on a map, the Bubble View comes in handy. This mode serves as a valuable presentation tool, allowing users to showcase complete data for a particular group of nodes. By seamlessly transitioning from one bubble to the next, users can efficiently present facts and figures during presentations. The Space View, also known as the Top-down View, presents information in a pyramid format, with the root node positioned at the top and child and sub-nodes located at the bottom. This view is particularly helpful for visualizing maps as hierarchical structures, providing a clear representation of the relationships between different elements.