Kahuna vs Urban Airship

June 03, 2023
The best way to understand and engage your mobile audience. Turn every app install into a high value customer. Kahuna encourages new users to register and understand the value of your service.
Urban Airship
Mobile marketing solutions across all major mobile platforms. Improve customer engagement with push notifications, location-based marketing, and analytics. Urban Airship's mobile marketing automation tools enable you to immediately reach your customers at key moments. Trigger messages based on a customer's behavior, precise location, app lifecycle and more.
Kahuna and Urban Airship are both mobile engagement platforms that provide tools and services to help businesses communicate with their app users. However, they have some key differences in their approach and features.

Kahuna is known for its focus on personalized messaging and customer engagement. It uses advanced machine learning algorithms to analyze user behavior and preferences, allowing businesses to deliver highly targeted and personalized messages to their app users. Kahuna offers features like push notifications, in-app messaging, email marketing, and automation workflows, all aimed at maximizing user engagement and driving app conversions.

Urban Airship, on the other hand, provides a comprehensive set of mobile engagement tools and messaging services. It offers features such as push notifications, in-app messaging, SMS messaging, and mobile wallet integration. Urban Airship focuses on enabling businesses to reach their app users across multiple channels and provides robust campaign management capabilities, including audience segmentation, automation, and analytics.