Notability is #7 in Top 10 Notebooks

Your best ideas often happen while you’re out exploring the world. With Notability and iCloud, your office travels with you. All of your notes, sketches, plans, and forms are available to mark up, review, or send to a client anytime, anywhere.

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#7 in Top 10 Notebooks


The best alternatives to Notability are: GoodNotes, OneNote, Apple Notes, Evernote, Notion, Google Keep

Latest news about Notability

2014. Cloud note-taking app Notability launches Mac version

The rival of Evernote, Notability, previously available for iPhone and iPad, has expanded its functionality to include the Mac desktop, ensuring that users can access their notes across all their preferred devices. Notability is recognized for its comprehensive support of various input methods. Users can sketch on the mobile and tablet apps, insert images and text, and even import and embed documents or web pages directly into their notes, all while maintaining audio timestamps synchronized with the added content. With its availability on the Mac App Store, Notability becomes even more advantageous. Through iCloud integration, users can effortlessly sync and update their documents, accessing them seamlessly on all their Apple devices. The desktop version of the app is priced at $9.99 for download, slightly higher than the usual $4.99 price for Notability.